Child Youth Risk Management Strategy (CYRMS)
St Hugh’s Anglican Church Inala, as part of the Anglican Diocese of Southern Queensland,
is committed to the protection of all children and youth who have contact with our church.
See our Statement of Commitment
We have policies and strategies that govern the management of child and youth activities.
These policies and strategies may be found through the following links
Vision Statement
We are the smile and touch of God in our community. We embrace all people of any culture, faith or status with love, compassion and understanding by welcoming each person and their God given gifts into the family of God.
Mission Statement
Believing in our calling as a spirit-filled Church, we are moving forward together into the world of the hurting, broken, lonely, dispossessed and lost, reaching them by all means, with the transforming message of Jesus, bringing freedom, hope and life.
Acknowledgement to Country
We acknowledge the triune God, the creator of heaven and earth and His ownership of all things. We recognise that he gave stewardship of these lands upon which we meet to the First Nation’s Peoples of this Country. In His sovereignty, He has allowed other groups to migrate to these shores. We acknowledge the cultures of our FIRST NATION’S peoples and are thankful for the community that we share together now. We pay our respect to their elders past and present, and those who are rising to become leaders (Bush Church Aid).
Our Parish Mission Plan is “BELLS”
Bless someone every day, Eat together, Listen to one another, Learn together and Send to evangelise and to serve others. How are we travelling with these 5 missional verbs individually and parochially? This Lent try to do ‘one step’ more!